Puppy Challenge: Oskar earns his first Rally title (and CGCA/U)

Presenting Oskar - now Bluebonnet's On The Rocks Oskar Blue CGCA CGCU RN.
National Specialty was wonderful for Oskar:
Tuesday, April 10th - Judge Anna Lorenz
Rally Novice - leg 1
Thursday, April 12th - International Judge Denis Vernon (France)
12-18mth class - 1st Place
Thursday, April 12th - International Judge Sharon Springel (UK) Puppy Sweeps
12-18mth class - 4th Place
Friday, April 13th - CGC evaluator Ira Vanorder
earned CGCA and CGCU
Saturday, April 14th - Judge Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna
12-15mth class - 1st Place
Saturday, April 14th - (show 1) Judge Suzanne Hemminger
Rally Novice - 1st Place (leg 2)
Saturday, April 14th - (show 2) Judge Loretta Lazzara
Rally Novice - 4th Place - and NEW TITLE